Dear Friends,
It feels like spring so don’t forget to spring forward - move your clock ahead one hour on Saturday night. Or be late for church!
And our safety protocol is getting easier. We are done with physical distancing. You are welcome to sit together in church (but be respectful to those who still need space).
We are also permitted to serve refreshments. We are not yet organized for this. Maybe we’ve even forgotten how to do it - but hospitality is a beautiful thing. Do you have any ideas about this - maybe once a month? Think about it as we would need volunteers.
Welcome to St John’s for worship this Sunday 8:00 & 10:15 a.m.
Those On Our Hearts
Gaston, Robin, Maura, Pat, Bill, The staff, volunteers and participants in the programs of The Well, The Reverend Gary van der Meer, Major the Reverend Canon Catherine Askew, The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Ministry Intern John Holgate, Gordon, Gregory, Kerry and all who minister at St John's.(Please note Prayers will be posted for two consecutive weeks unless requested to be posted for a longer period of time.)
Our Diocese
St. Paul’s, Almonte and their priest The Reverend Jonathon Kouri.
Our Bishop, The Right Reverend Shane Parker, our Metropolitan, The Most Reverend Anne Germond and our Primate, The Most Reverend Linda Nicholls.
Anglican Church of Canada (ACC)
The Rt. Rev. Bruce Myers, Bishop, and the people and clergy of the Diocese of Quebec.
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Canada (ELCIC)
Bishop Jason Zinko, the people and rostered ministers of the Manitoba-Northwestern Ontario Synod.
The Anglican Communion from Aba to Zululand
The Anglican Church of Melanesia.
In our Companion Diocese of Jerusalem
St. Paul’s Church, Shefa’Amr, Israel.
Parish Prayer Group
Commissioning of Leadership Team chosen at the Annual Vestry Meeting
St John's will commission and ask God's blessing for all roles appointed and elected at the Annual Vestry Meeting. The commissioning will take place immediately following the celebration of the Eucharist at the 10:15 service on Sunday, March 20.
Plan to be with us especially if you have been appointed or elected, and also to support our wonderful team with your prayers.
This week we welcome a new member of our music team, as Josh Zentner-Barrett joins us as Associate Organist.
Josh will play the organ for all services and will accompany the choir. Eleven years ago as a high school student, Josh was our Organ Scholar here at St John's. He now holds a Masters degree in Sacred Music from Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX) and is an Associate of the Royal Canadian College of Organists. His playing the organ will free Gordon up to direct the choir and focus on rebuilding our music program post-pandemic.
Gordon and Josh will divide up the work and divide up the music salary, so this is financially neutral for the parish budget.
Welcome back, Josh!
You are invited to join the following Lifelong Learning gatherings at the following LINK
Debriefing the Diocesan Anniversary Lecture
Jason McKinney - “The Church as Commons: A Theological Case for Affordable Housing”
Wednesday March 23, 7:30 p.m. (75 minutes on Zoom)
Preparation: Watch the Lecture
Join us on Sunday, March 27 4pm at Deacon Brodies Pub, located at 247 Elgin St., for what we hope will become an annual Event.
Deacon Brodies has Ottawa's finest whiskey collection with over 400 brands. We will be sampling four of these different brands from each of the four categories of scotch.
Please RSVP to the Parish Office at by Thursday, March 24 at 3:30pm to reserve your seat. Cost will be approximately $45. Limited spots available.
Please note that anytime you visit Deacon Brodies and identify yourself as from St John's, there will be a 10% discount on your bill and a further 10% donation(offering) supporting St John's!
Note that this really is a Lent Discipline! The traditions for Lent include a relax day roughly in the middle of the season. Technically it's called Laetare Sunday. Laetare is Latin for Rejoice. So let's rejoice with a lovely social!
Learning from the Diocese of Ottawa's Communications Planning and Branding Processes
Brian Cameron – Chair, Diocesan Communications Advisory Panel
Wednesday April 6, 7:30 p.m. (75 minutes on Zoom)
The Lifelong Learning Steering Committee would like its events to be as relevant and helpful as possible to the faith journeys of all St. John's parishioners and visitors. What are the questions, issues, and ideas that you would most like to explore over the year ahead? Please send your suggestions to the Lifelong Learning Steering Committee by emailing Vicki Robinson.
Vicki Robinson
Sally Andrews
Margaret Kasurak
Ian Myles
Gary van der Meer
Lifelong Learning Steering Committee
A Note to St John's from the Rev. Caroline Ducros
Dear St John's,
I am not sure where the time went but with all the lockdowns and COVID and convoy, I was remiss in getting this truly heartfelt thank you to you all.
I miss St John's and all you lovely people!
Thank you so much for your leaving gift of this absolutely treasured chasuble.
Keeping you all in my heart and prayers.
Memorial for Stephen Sansom
4 April 1947 - 29 January 2022
St John's community is invited to the memorial service for Stephen Sansom. Stephen loved our neighbourhood churches and we have been invited along with Knox Presbyterian and First Baptist to join the congregation of St Theresa of Avila for a Memorial Service of thanksgiving for Stephen's life.
St Theresa Catholic Church, 95 Somerset Street West; Saturday, March 26, 10:00 a.m.
PWRDF responds to ACT
Alliance appeal for Ukraine
PWRDF is supporting Ukrainians forced to flee their homes due to the Russian invasion. A grant of $20,000 has been issued to an ACT alliance appeal funding the work of ACT member, the Hungarian Interchurch AID (HIA). HIA has been working in Ukraine for more than 25 years in humanitarian and development projects. It had already shipped 28 tons of food to support those fleeing to Hungary, and their staff have been working with refugees at the Ukraine/Hungary border.
To make a donation go to and click on Response in Ukraine. You may also donate by phone at 416-822-9083 or leave a voicemail toll-free at 1-866-308-7973 and PWRDF will return your call. You can mail your cheque to PWRDF, 80 Hayden, 3rd floor, Toronto, Ontario, M4Y 3G2 or give through St. John’s. Please mark Ukraine in the memo field. Thank you for your support. St John’s PWRDF Committee.
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20 MARCH 2022
154 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, ON K2P 0H8
The Reverend Gary van der Meer, Rector
Major the Reverend Canon Catherine Askew, Honorary Assistant
The Reverend Canon Allen Box, Honorary Assistant
Dr Gordon Johnston, FRCCO, Organist and Choirmaster
Stephen Giles, Rector’s Warden
Michelle Smulders, Deputy Rector's Warden
Steve Chaplin, People's Warden
Jill Moll, Deputy People's Warden
Anishinabe aking ate awaso kikinawadjichigan.
This land we are upon is the traditional territory of the Algonquin people.